Medbioworld Medical Journals by Specialty An extensive listing of medical journals.
Journal of Pharmacy Technology provides valuable information for those interested in the entire body of pharmacy practice.
Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences is the official, international journal of The Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Journal de Pharmacie Clinique Available in either French or English.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry publishes original research on the correlation of molecular structure to biological activity with a focus on the relationships of chemistry to biological activity.
It was established in 1946 as the official publication of AMWA, the American Medical Women's Association.
Journal of American Medical Women's Association is a peer-reviewed, quarterly medical journal that focuses on women's health.
International Journal of Medical Marketing The leading international publisher of professional and academic journals.
International Journal of Drug Development available in print, CD ROM, PDF, Online or rapid same-day e-mail PDF attachments.
Health Service Journal the unique resource for anyone interested in health policy and management issues.
Farmacia Clinica "T he European journal of Clinical Pharmacy".
Erch dictionary for pharmacy and medicine free download information e-books and resources for pharmacy and medicine.
Drug Wise provides information to Psychiatrists, Pharmacists and Health Professionals on Psychopharmacology.
Forty thousand industry influentials read this publication every two weeks for its timely coverage of industry news, merchandising trends and pharmacy developments.
Drug Store News has been the voice of the retail drug industry for almost seven decades.
Drug Metabolism and Disposition is a monthly journal presenting original in vivo and in vitro approaches to research on the metabolism and disposition of therapeutic agents and environmental chemicals.
Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin is commissioned and researched by The Association for Consumer Research and published by Consumers' Association.
Die Pharmazie is one of the world's leading pharmaceutical journals.
The other is for hospital pharmacy and is published once a year as a buyers guide. One is for retail pharmacy and is published six times a year.
ComputerTalk publishes two magazines for the pharmacy market.
China Medipharm Insights covers the most up-to-date development in China's biomedical and pharmaceutical research and development in academia and industries.
The Chemist and Druggist located at dot Pharmacy.
In addition, it seeks to be at the forefront of the international debate on health.
British Medical Journal aims to publish rigorous, accessible and entertaining material that will help doctors and medical students in their daily practice, lifelong learning and career development.
Briefings in Bioinformatics publishes reviews for the users of databases and analytical tools of contemporary genetics and molecular biology.
Australian Pharmaceutical Publishing Company is a business to business publishing house that provides a number of quality publications to the pharmaceutical, health care and beauty industries, as well as retailers and suppliers of business solutions to the retail industry.
All of them in relation to the pharmaceutical science and similars.
Ars Pharmaceutica magazine publishes bilingual research works, revision and letters to the editor.
The Annals of Pharmacotherapy For over 35 years this independent, peer-reviewed journal has been dedicated to the advancement of pharmacotherapy.
Kumpulan jurnal dan referensi untuk farmasi dan bidang kesehatan Terbaru :